Tuesday 18th March 8pm. South Hall. Edward Flint will talk on Container Plants
Held from 2pm to 4.15pm in the
NORTH HALL of the Community Centre
Admission by donation
Presentations between 15:30 and 16:00 by the Society
Maximum pot size 18cm/7”, variety ‘Ice King’; as supplied
by the Society.
1 one bloom, division 1 – trumpet
2 one bloom, division 2 – large cupped
3 one bloom, division 3 – small cupped
4 one bloom, division 4 – double
5 one bloom, division 8 – tazetta
6 one bloom, division 9 – poeticus
7 one vase, three blooms, division 1 – trumpet
8 one vase, three blooms, division 2 – large cupped
9 one vase, three blooms, division 3 – small cupped
10 one vase, three blooms, division 4 – double
11 one vase, three blooms, division 8 – tazetta
12 one vase, six stems (not miniature or species)
13 one vase, three stems, miniature or species
14 NOVICES. One vase, three blooms.
15 five floating hellebores
16 one vase, three tulips
17 foliage pot plant
18 flowering pot plant including bulbs (excluding orchids)
19 one vase of spring flowers
20 one vase, three stems, shrubs
21 three sticks of rhubarb
22 Simnel Cake – Own recipe. List Ingredients
23 Three decorated Cupcakes - Own recipe. List Ingredients
24 Three Savory Scones – Own recipe. List Ingredients
25 Three Chocolate Florennes – Own recipe. List
26 Malt Loaf – To be made using recipe on page 13
27 12oz//1lb (375/500g) jar of marmalade, list ingredients.
28 Exhibit using a wine glass Spaced allowed W25cm x
L25cm x H37.5cm
29 Take 5, five daffodils and foliage Space allowed W30cm
x L30cm x H45cm.
30 Cooks delight using a kitchen item. Space allowed
W30cm x L30cm x H unlimited.
31 You've been framed maximum 6x8inch height unlimited.
32 3 Krispy and chocolate easter nests
33 Spring flowers in a jam jar
34 Easter Card
35 3 Daffodils grown in a 7 inch pot.
Photographs should not exceed 20cm x 15cm (8” x 6”)
36 An Old Tree
37 Reflections